Did You Know That...

  • Many grant proposals are denied only because the applicant failed to follow the grantor’s instructions in its RFP?
  • If you don’t meet the grantor’s criteria you will likely be denied regardless of your proposal’s merit, worthiness, or quality of writing.
  • The key to grant success is learning to “think like the grantor”
  • All your research will only help you get a grant if you provide the grantor the information they want, in the format they require.
  • A major reason for grant denials is submission to inappropriate grantors. Effective research is the best answer.
  • Anyone who “promises” or “guarantees” you’ll receive a grant is probably a con-artist.
  • There is no such thing as easy when it comes to obtaining grants. Any grants advertised as “easy money” are likely scams.
  • Effective research is vital to writing a well-written grant proposal. Without it you will likely be denied.
  • If you just skim, misread or misunderstand any part of an RFP, your proposal will likely be denied. The more you learn how to carefully read and understand an RFP, the more you increase your chances for grant approval.
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