The Grant Authority: Winning Grants Step by Step

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The Grant Authority is your one-stop source to learn how to research, find, and obtain grants from all grant sources:


Private and Community Foundations


Charitable Organizations

Read the Grant Authority to increase your chances of winning a grant by learning how to:

  • Avoid grant scams and recognize legitimate grant opportunities from rip-off grant scams
  • Avoid common grant-writing mistakes that can doom your proposal to failure before your grant is even reviewed
  • Follow a grantor's instructions and directions exactly, regardless of how detailed or boring they may seem
  • Find and use research tools effectively to find the best grant for you or your organization - your closest match - the grant(s) you're most likely to win
  • Thoroughly research specific grantors or funding source (public, private or non-profit) to improve your proposal's chances of success
  • Find the best non-profit organization as a partner to sponsor your individual grant proposal
  • Read a grantor's request for proposal (RFP) to find the grantor's secrets for success in writing your grant
  • Write a well-written grant proposal that convinces the grantor to invest in you and your project
  • Succeed by writing a proposal that tells the grantor exactly what it wants to hear
  • Communicate effectively with potential grantors after submitting your grant proposal
  • Take the right steps after your grant proposal is approved, partially approved, or denied
  • Plus...

  • Learn what hundreds of grant terms mean from our glossaries
  • Use our direct links to hundreds of helpful on-line resources for your grant research and writing and learn about other helpful print resources
  • Use our many up-to-date Directories to find current grant funding opportunities that match your needs as an individual, non-profit organization or agency from government, foundation and corporate grant funding sources
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